This guide will walk you how to setup Blockfrost Ice Breakers for Ice Breaker pools who have the Ice Breaker NFT. We will use standard paths and setup used by coincashew users.
Credits to Earn Coin Pool for documenting the procedure.
If you get the following error "No apt package "rustup"... Use the following command instead;
rustup install stable
Then switch to latest stable Rust by running:
rustup default stable
Clone repo to your $NODE_HOME by running:
git clone
Switch folders by running:
cd blockfrost-platform
Checkout main branch by running:
git checkout main
Build by running:
cargo build --release
Check build version by running:
./target/release/blockfrost-platform --version
✅Should return:
blockfrost-platform 0.0.1
Step 2 - Configure
We can use the --init flag to generate your configuration file by running:
./target/release/blockfrost-platform --init
Select the options below and replace your socket path, also replace your receive address that you provided to Blockfrost and the icebreakers secret that was emailed to you.
Make sure port 3000 is not already being used, if so, select an unused port number.
> Run in solitary mode? No
> Enable metrics? Yes
> Which network are you connecting to? Mainnet
> Mode? Compact
> What should be the log level? Debug
> Enter the server IP address:
> Enter the port number: 3000
> Enter path to Cardano node socket: /home/<user>/cardano-my-node/db/socket
> Enter the reward address: addr1....
> Enter the icebreakers secret: 123456789...
Make sure the firewall is open on the port you selected above by running:
sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp
Check firewall by running:
sudo ufw status numbered
Step 4 - Move Blockfrost Platform
cd $HOME/blockfrost-platform/target/release
sudo mv -f blockfrost-platform /usr/local/bin/blockfrost-platform
Run the binary by running:
Step 5 - Create Start Up Script
Start by create a blank file by running:
sudo nano
Replace secret with your ice breakers secret. Replace reward_addr with your receive address and replace node_socket_path with your path below and then paste in the file and save.
# You can modify these variables for your specific setup
# NETWORK=mainnet
/usr/local/bin/blockfrost-platform --network ${NEWORK:=mainnet} \
--node-socket-path $NODE_SOCKET_PATH \
--secret $SECRET \
--reward-address $REWARD_ADDR
If the status is good, go ahead and clean up the files.
rm -rf blockfrost-platform
Congratulations you did it!
Thanks to the following pools for helping to put together these guides. Please consider delegating to their pools to support them. Are you a pool? Consider buying them a coffee