Update Node and CLI to 8.0.0
This guide will take you through the steps to update your node and CLI to 8.0.0. This guide is for the coincashew method users. Please double check file paths and file name and adjust as needed.
Please note after updating it will take up to 10 hours maybe more to sync block replay.
Step 1 - Download and install the new version of libsodium
Step 2 - GHC and Cabal Check
Make sure you are using ghc 8.10.7 and cabal If already installed you can skip this step.
Step 3 - Download latest cardano-node git and checkout latest branch
Step 4 - Build the node
If you have tmux, it is recommended to open tmux by typing tmux
this will allow to run these commands to build the node without terminal timing out.
Step 5 - Check cardano-cli and cardano-node that the build was successful
if 8.0.0 - and you were using tmux, close tmux by typing exit
Step 6 - Backup your configuration files
Now is a good time to backup your configuration files before we adjust them. Please backup with your preferred method.
Step 7 - Download the new mainnet conway genesis file
Step 8 - Update mainnet-conf json
Add the following lines after "ByronGenesisHash"
Step 9 - Shut down the node and move the binaries to your bin
Step 10 - Check that successful version upgrades then start back up Cardano node
If 8.0.0 move to next step
Step 11 - Update and restart your instance
Step 12 - Clean up
Additional Steps
Copy the cardano-cli binaries to your air gap machine. You can copy from your /usr/local/bin or from the new build to a USB drive
Congratulations you did it!
Thanks to the following pools for helping to put together these guides. Please consider delegating to their pools to support them. Are you a pool? Consider buying them a coffee
Last updated