Update cardano-submit-api

This guide will walk you through how to update your cardano-submit-api

The procedure described here is done immediately following updating your node. This is because the cardano-submit-api files are part of the git files when you download a new Cardano node version. This can be done at the same time but it's assumed here that you run submit-api on only one relay so you might want to come back after update and perform these steps to just one relay.

If you need to check if cardano-submit-api is installed run:

which cardano-submit-api

Step 1 - Build Updated Version of cardano-submit-api

Assuming you use folder structure described here. Your new node git files should be located here: $HOME/git/cardano-node if they are not there adjust the paths below.

Run the following commands to build updated version of cardano-submit-api

cd $HOME/git/cardano-node
cabal update
cabal build cardano-submit-api

Step 2 - Stop submit-api service

Our service name was tx-api.service if you use different name adjust below.

sudo systemctl stop tx-api.service

Step 3 - Move cardano-submit-api

We store our cardano-submit-api in the /usr/local/bin/ this is the path we specify in our start up scripts. if your path is different, please adjust paths.

sudo cp $(find $HOME/git/cardano-node/dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-submit-api") /usr/local/bin/cardano-submit-api

Step 4 - Restart Service

Again our service name was tx-api.service if you use different name adjust below.

sudo systemctl start tx-api.service

Step 5 - Check Status

sudo systemctl status tx-api.service

Congratulations you did it!


Thanks to the following pools for helping to put together these guides. Please consider delegating to their pools to support them. Are you a pool? Consider buying them a coffee

Last updated